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Why did Alphind create Xealei?
Our motivation for launching Xealei is to alleviate or eliminate the burden of harmful motion events and patterns through practical technological innovations.
We aim to enhance safety for individuals, provide peace of mind for their families and loved ones, reduce staff workload while increasing job satisfaction, and help management achieve their service, staff retention, and business objectives.
This journey began when we participated in a national innovation competition in India, in collaboration with a local university. The challenge was to address the healthcare burden posed by the rapidly aging population in Asia and the rising healthcare costs amid a shrinking workforce.
Launched in the U.S. in 2023 and adapted for the APAC region in Q4 2024, Xealei™, the first step towards realising this approach activates motion-sensing intelligence to enhance safety, improve care quality and ensure compliance without compromising privacy.
Xealei is the first step towards activating Whole Person Care intelligence.
Why Alphind ‘healthcare’?
For Alphind, whole person care is a personal calling pursued with empathy and pragmatism.
Worldwide, the healthcare sector has long struggled with fragmented, episodic disease-focused data trapped within isolated medical and business systems.
The rapid pace of digital health innovation and the rise of "shiny object" disruptions have only exacerbated data fragmentation, complicating interoperability and coordination.
Additionally, concerns surrounding artificial intelligence often revolve around issues of trustworthiness and completeness.
Drawing on our 20+ years of experience in provider and payer IT, Alphind pioneers a new way of elevating and activating Whole Person Care intelligence beyond traditional data analytics and emerging healthcare AI.
We call it ‘The Alphind Way.’
Why Singapore for Alphind’s APAC HQ?
Choosing Singapore as the home for Alphind’s APAC headquarters was an obvious decision.
The challenges related to ageing and caregiving in Singapore are accelerating faster than in many parts of the world. And Singapore is renowned for approaching technology innovation with pragmatism.
By empowering seniors and caregivers through intelligence activation, we aim to help seniors maintain their vitality and independence, thereby reducing reliance on institutional care and family support.
We believe that our Whole Person Care Intelligence, combined with modern experience design, can facilitate holistic healthy ageing and attract more caregivers to the profession.
Our participation at the World Ageing Festival 2024 reaffirmed our cultural fit within the APAC region and that we belong here.
Is Xealei’s radar sensor approved by FDA?
The radar sensor that Xealei platform connects to is a motion-sensing device.
According to FDA’s definition, this sensor is not a medical device because it is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent a disease, nor is it intended to affect the structure or any function of the body.
Therefore, it is not subject to FDA’s approval.
Source on file: FDA's How to Determine if Your Product is a Medical Device: Vayyar's Has the device been certified by the FDA?
Vayyar's Can the device detect heart attacks or other medical conditions?
FCC OET Grants Petition of Waiver for Vayyar Imaging Ltd. -
Is Xealei’s fall detection technology approved by FDA?
According to FDA’s definition, Xealei’s fall detection technology is not a medical device. Therefore, it is not subject to FDA’s approval.
Xealei’s Fall Detection is not a medical device because it is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent a disease, nor is it intended to affect the structure or any function of the body.
Source on file: FDA's How to Determine if Your Product is a Medical Device: Vayyar's Has the device been certified by the FDA?
Vayyar's Can the device detect heart attacks or other medical conditions?
FCC OET Grants Petition of Waiver for Vayyar Imaging Ltd. -
Is Xealei’s radar device regulatory approved?
Yes. Presently, Xealei platform connects to radar sensors manufactured by Vayyar Imaging.
These sensors are certified for use in the US by FCC (Federal Communication Commission).
FCC's permission to operate letter to Vayyar states that
[It] will provide substantial public benefit in improving personal safety and wellness in geriatric and other types of healthcare applications, which in turn will speed the deployment of potentially life-saving devices using the radar technology that Vayyar has developed.
Additionally, the radar device is certified for use in the UK, Europe, China, Taiwan, Canada, Australia, and Japan.
In total, the radar device is certified by 11 organizations around the world.
Source on file: Vayyar's Technology page; Vayyar's Leverage leading-edge senior care technology page; Vayyar Element Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information; FCC OET Grants Petition of Waiver for Vayyar Imaging Ltd.
What does ‘The Alphind Way’ mean?
‘The Alphind Way’ means a new approach to activating Whole Person Care intelligence with empathy, pragmatism, and ecosystem collaboration.
It requires a collaborative effort to modernise data aggregation beyond any single healthcare organization, elevate data hidden in disparate information sources into intelligence, and activate that intelligence throughout each person's healthcare journey through their health and wellness ecosystem.
What is Whole Person Care, according to Alphind?
Whole Person Care means bringing together physical and behavioural health and wellness, Omics and social determinants of health (SDoH), and the individual's voice as they travel through their health and wellness ecosystem.
What does ‘Activating Intelligence’ mean?
‘Activating Intelligence’ means going beyond actionable analytics and emerging healthcare AI to closing the intelligence loop from insights to action towards desired outcomes.
What is Alphind’s approach for activating Whole Person Care intelligence?
Alphind’s approach to activating Whole Person Care intelligence rests on three pillars streaming activated intelligence to and from Whole Person Care Intelligence platform:
Device Care Intelligence (DCI) - comprising of XealeiTM Motion Sensing Intelligence, and Vital Signs Intelligence (VSI).
Effective Care Intelligence (ECI) - comprising of Whole Person Care Health Score and Risk Scores, among others.
Managed Care Intelligence (MCI) – comprising of Whole Person Care claims intelligence and SDoH (Social Determinants of Health ) intelligence.
Each pillar and the Whole Person Care Intelligence platform are intended to enable ecosystem participation and collaboration through Intelligent Interoperability Services Framework (IISF) Semantic Services Framework (SSF).
What is Alphind’s solution roadmap?
Device Care Intelligence (DCI)
In 2023 we launched XealeiTM the U.S. and adapted it for the APAC region in Q4 2024.
In Q4 2024 we developed VSI (Vital Sign Intelligence) IPR (Initial Product Release). VSI’s Generally Available (GA) release is scheduled for Q1 2025.
Effective Care Intelligence (ECI)
Whole Person Care Health Score is scheduled for Q1 2025. Fall Risk Score is scheduled for Q2 2025. Other health and risk scores to follow through YE 2025.
Managed Care Intelligence (MCI)
In Q4 2024 we released CGi, Claims Guideline Intelligence for the payer market. SDoH Intelligence is schedule for the second half of 2025.
Whole Person Care Intelligence (WPCI)
The Initial Product Release of WPCI is scheduled for the second half of 2025, and the Generally Available version in Q1 2026
How is Xealei different from other motion sensing devices?
Xealei is not a device. Xealei is a smart, ambient enterprise workflow system connected to motion sensors.
How is Xealei different from other motion sensing solutions?
According to our global market research, Xealei covers a broader range of motion events and patterns; and provides extended scope of configurable Caregiver workflows than any other single product.
Withing the mmWave Radar category, Xealei does not compromise privacy as it does not recognize the person’s identity. No PHI, nor body parts.
Additionally, Xealei is different from wearable-based solution as it is ambient, contactless.
Also, unlike camera-based solutions, Xealei enhances safety, quality of care and compliance without compromising privacy. Xealei is like eyes-without-eyes: Xealei sees dots. It does not recognize the person’s identity. No PHI, nor body parts.
What sensors does Xealei platform connect to?
Presently, Xealei platform connects to mmWave radar sensors manufactured by Vayyar Imaging.
Can Xealei platform connect to other sensors?
Yes. Alphind continues to evaluate the fit of other sensors to extend its capability to activate motion sensing intelligence.
Is radar technology safe?
Yes. The use of radar technology was approved by the US FCC (Federal Communication Commission).
FCC’s authority includes assuring the safety of radio frequency in reliance on its own research and other agencies such as the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Source on file: FCC's Radio Frequency Safety page; American Cancer Society's Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation page; FCC OET Grants Petition of Waiver for Vayyar Imaging Ltd.; FDA's 510(k) approval of Xandar Kardian solution.
Is the radar sensor that Xealei connects to safe?
Yes. Vayyar Imaging’s sensor that Xealei platform connects to is certified for use in the UK, Europe, China, Taiwan, Canada, Australia, and Japan.
In total, this sensor is certified by 11 organizations around the world.
Source on file: Vayyar's Technology page; Vayyar Element Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information; FCC OET Grants Petition of Waiver for Vayyar Imaging Ltd.
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